Exploring Lisbon

A good night's sleep was all it took to recharge our batteries for our day of exploring Lisbon.  After breakfast, we headed out to Praca do Comercio, a large square on the riverfront.  Many streets spoke into this square and we had the opportunity to wonder around and explore the area.  Shops, many of them for tourist, lined the streets as well as little bistros serving up coffee for their early morning guests.

Another constant in Lisbon are the electric streetcars that carry locals and tourists alike to all parts of the city.  After having a little espresso in a cafe, I spent some time on a street corner waiting for a good shot of a street car.  I also got to watch all sorts of humanity parade by me. 

Time Out, the magazine you have had countless times in your hotel rooms, started a market in Lisbon (now repeated in other major cities) that houses a food court and a market.  The food court brings together some of the best restaurants and chefs from across Lisbon to offer fare for hungry visitors.  It was very busy when we arrived so our first order of business was finding seating.  With that secured, off we went to find food.  I opted for tuna ceviche and seafood rice, both quite delicious.  It's a great place to satisfy a hungry, but diverse group for lunch.

After lunch we had a little time on our own to explore the area.  We seem to be pretty conveniently located near some of the better neighborhoods.  I stopped at a shop to buy a couple of the ceramic tiles that they are well known for.  A little winded by the time I got back to the room, I took a quick nap before heading out again. 

Returning to the square, we ran into a parade marking the elections in Portugal.  David even had the opportunity to shake hands with the Prime Minister.  While he was meeting dignitaries, I was talking with the Naked Indian.  It seems he's good friends with the Naked Cowboy in NYC.  Turns out that he grew up in Oklahoma and found out he's part Jewish as an adult.  He also had some stories about the Knights Templar and the Mafia, so I'm not sure I believe much of what he had to say.

Our final excursion was up to the Castle Sao Jorge.  The castle dates back to the 8th Century and has served as many things over the course of its history including a royal palace and a military barracks.  Its overlook of the city is stunning as are the grounds.  Peacocks caught our attention as they fanned their tail feathers in a display probably meant for the ladies. 

The castle itself is well preserved and offers stairs to climb onto the walls for an overview of the city.  After we explored the grounds, we descended down to another plaza area for a few more pictures before we were cut loose for dinner.

A lovely Italian restaurant was just a few doors up from our hotel.  While it was very packed with Friday night diners, they managed to fit us in.  Hunger had overtaken us, so everything seemed to be the best we'd ever had.  It was a quite nice way to end our day of exploration.

Tomorrow: Sintra


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