
The morning was spent critiquing our photos.  The goal for the week was to find a story and illustrate it with our photos.  We've attempted this in the past, but this time seems more relaxed so no one seemed overly concerned with our end goal.

Porto, a coastal city, has become a very popular tourist destination in northern Portugal.  The city strides the Douro River with both a pedestrian bridge and water taxis available for crossing.  The Ribeira District is the old town.  Cobbled stoned streets and several storied buildings lining narrow streets define this district.  Restaurants line the waterfront as well as shops and hotels.

Across the channel, a newer feeling area awaits.  Almost like a boardwalk in the states, bars and performers hoping for a little tourist largess flank the river banks.  Both sides have merit and should be on any visitor's agenda.

An afternoon cocktail and a snack of fries served as a perfect ending before boarding the bus back to Amarante.  A terrace dinner capped off a perfect day in Porto.

Tomorrow: Douro Winery Region 


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